Friday, October 23, 2009

Spider Man, Spider Man!

Dear Dylan,

You are a good thinker. You like me to you tell stories, and you like to tell me hypothetical situations like the following I wrote down as Daddy was driving us around in Dallas.

"I will hide from the ghost but if he gets me, I will fight to catch the ghost b/c I have light up shoes."

"We will look for them with flash lights and our light shoes and put them in Halloween decorations."

"If a bad guy is climbing down that [rock wall], then I will go kick him in his face then kick the wall down and it will crush him."
"Or if there is a good dinosaur in the jungle, then he will eat the bad guy. And the dinosaur will say 'Yum Yum'."

Malia is your BFF. You worry about her, like when she was in the back yard the other day. Isaac found a pile of rocks and dirt on the side of our house, but when Malia went to go see it, you kept warning her to be careful of bugs and suggested she should go get shoes on. You told her to tell you if she saw any bugs and to run away if so. Sometimes you can't wait to tell or show Malia something new you did or got.

You love life. You ask what we're going to do, then get excited whether it is going to school, Malia's, staying home to have friends over, going to Jake's, or church. Of course you get extra excited when we go somewhere out of our routine places.

You are learning how to write your name. You can connect the dots when I make the outlines of each letter. You are right handed finally, but still use your left hand if it is convenient, and even switch in the middle of writing, coloring, or eating.

You are a good big brother, but Isaac knows how to push your buttons.

You are still into super heros and wear your spider man costume every day.

You are good at self control as long as you know that Isaac can't do the thing you want to do/eat also. You yell at him what you should be yelling at yourself, like "Not Until After Nap, Isaac!!" or "Mommy Said NO!" or "We are NOT buying anything here, don't pick it up!"

You'll still let me hold and cuddle you. You got stung by a wasp Wednesday on the lip and on your finger as you brushed it away. You screamed and cried, but held the ice on it, then went to bed calmly because it was nap time. It made me stay sad longer than you to see your big fat lip.

I love you, little man!

SPIDER MAN, spider man This is a common face for you. I love it. It was so easy to get you to pose b/c you were soo excited to be in your costume! We took all of these pictures in about 3 minutes b/c it was so hot and you were starting to sweat w/ your big muscles:)
You were sooo excited to climb on the fence and told everybody about the spider web and climbing the fence. (Mainly Maila I guess.)

One of your silly faces.


Lacey McKay said...

These pics are awesome Tiff! We love the first one! And I love how you put spider webs all over the yard! You are so creative!

Kat Gille said...

I think that top Spidey picture should be on a wall somewhere. So cute! So where'd you get the costume? And I love that he climbed on the fence for some pictures with spiderwebs in the background. Great idea!

I love your commentaries on what he likes and what he says and does. It's adorable how protective he is of Malia and how worried about fairness he is with Isaac.

And that's sad he got stung by a wasp. Wasps don't even die after they sting you, right? So that nasty little bug got away with it?! Poor Dylan.