Tuesday, October 13, 2009

the Heels

I've seen on other blogs mention having cute heels and dressing up more. It's on What Not To Wear, and on photographers' blogs, and was recently on a morning radio show etc. It's even on my cousin's blog I just noticed!
I don't get the occasions too often to put on heels (besides teaching my 3 and 4yr olds at church, of course) so my little brother's wedding seemed like a fun occasion.
I didn't know if Hollie wanted me to try to coordinate, or not. I was fine either way. Matt told me that her brothers' wives would be wearing purple pencil skirts with white button up shirts. I asked if he wanted me to do the same or not and he basically said "I guess???"
I didn't dare trying to find a purple pencil skirt for fear of clashing, but I had a grey one, and had a white button up shirt. I had black heels, but thought about perhaps getting something purple to accessorize with. I found these heels and didn't know if I could pull them off or not. I have a pair of fairly bright mauve pink really tall pointy heels that I like, but they match the shirt perfectly that I wear them with, so it's not that crazy. Other than flip flops, I have only had brown, black, or white shoes.
But, with this blogger and this post as inspiration, I splurged the $17 on them and figured that even if I only wore them once, it'd be worth it:) What a steal for a whole outfit! (Oh yea, I did pay $3.50 each for ear rings, a necklace, and a set of bracelets that kept Dylan and Isaac occupied b/c we forgot toys for outside of the temple.)

Anyway, I thought I'd finally blog about the shoes b/c I had more comments about them, then about my brother's wedding:) And while I'm posting, I'll share that the weekend after Texas, I went to the FDHA convention in Orlando. AND I wore those heels again, b/c any RDH knows that the official color of dental hygiene is purple too! I got more comments on my shoes there, which was fun, but then a dental drug rep from the convention showed up at my office yesterday (to try to close the deal on getting me to get my boss to buy his product), and made me blush by saying that I was a lot shorter now (in my frumpy scrubs). He brought cupcakes from a Tampa cupcake bakery, so I was happy that those heels brought him in to try to sweeten his sale:) They were yummy, so I'm talking my boss into getting his product! Everybody's happyÜ

And here's another picture of me and Maryellen. She was the speaker at our 7am CE class (I got up at 3am to drive with her so she had plenty of time to set up.) I helped her w/ the lecture, then she helped me with our fund raiser table. (She had cool red shoes too, but you can't really see them in the pictures.)So go to Ross and get yourself some fun shoes and take your man on a hot date! (I suggest dinner, not dancing though:)


tootallstrupp said...

Oh Tiffany, I LOVE THOSE HEELS! Such a great deal too, and even though you weren't wearing a purple pencil skirt I think that what you were wearing was a nice compliment to the wedding party. I miss you and hope that you are well! :)

tootallstrupp said...

I just read your comment that you left on my post...I will have to try and figure out what you mean with the comment suggestion. Not going to lie though, I am still pretty new to this whole blogging thing. I wish that you lived closer and you could teach me! lol

Jaynan said...

haha cute shoes for sure! one day....when jason has a job......