Saturday, June 13, 2009

House Husband

Because Corrie has been in the keys all week, Steven stayed with the boys so I could still work since I only get paid if I'm there. He gets paid vacation to hang out with the boys, lucky! On Thursday, I came home to him in his new apron I decorated with my half-dead sewing machine.

DeLIcious chicken, pineapple, and vegie kabobs on the new grill. Then he played with our boys in the pool. Could summer evenings get any better than this?

I was enjoying watching them while finnishing some pineapple in one hand and videoing in the other. 'Til Dylan invited me in.

"Watch dis, Mom!"

Isaac covers his eyes (and whole face) with his smushy little handsHe didn't want to let go of this kick board.

1 comment:

Lacey McKay said...

Isaac is already going under? Wow. I'm so jealous! Abbey will put just her mouth under and blow bubbles, but that's about it.