Monday, April 14, 2008

1st Rays game

I happened to put a baseball outfit on Isaac last Wednesday. Little did I know that I was foreshadowing our fun evening to come. His eyes have some blue in them in this picture. (detail of his eyes)The Szasz's have the best seats in the house for the Rays Baseball games. I got to take the boys last Wednesday. It was Isaac's 1st time. We went a lot when Dylan was a baby but only went to like 2 games last season. I'm honestly not into baseball, but I love hearing the boys talk about specific players. They're so smart. They have me watch for some signature move that certain players will do. I bet Dylan will be into baseball. Look at this next picture. Everybody behind us has their jaws dropped, their necks straining, and concerned looks on their faces. One guy is even standing up. I'm looking at the camera, but Dylan's face matches those behind us. He sees a camera in his face every day, but rarely gets to see a live baseball game.

Even when we went upstairs to eat, he would run to the glass to get a look. He barely ate! There's lots of good free food upstairs, but Dylan didn't care. He wanted to watch the game. It's funny b/c when we finally got home, he acted like he was starving and ate a lot. He was too distracted before. After we went upstairs, Isaac woke up. Marc and Jake are great with him. We took another group shot since Isaac was out of the sling. Notice Dylan again, following the ball!I wanted to get a picture of how close we were to the field. Dylan looked back real quick, but I wasn't fast enough. He was turning back to see the game.
See? Again, Jake is getting Isaac to smile. How does he do it EVERY time?!And again with the smiles Look at Jake in the corner. Dylan's being so sweet too.
We made this lady's day. She saw me walk past her a couple of times and finally asked if she could hold Isaac. She asked if all of my boys were mine. That's a funny thought. I would have had Marc when I was just 14 years old! Isaac seemed pretty content to be with her too. I don't think either one of them really cared about the score of the game. He was perfect the whole time, so were all 4 of my boys there.

We stayed later than I had anticipated b/c the time flew by. We had so much fun, even though the Rays didn't win. Maybe next time!

1 comment:

betsey said...

Can you imagine if those were all your kids?!?! You look much more like their sister than their mom. I can't imagine that you look old enough to have the two you do have!

Isaac looks so much like Steven to me, it is crazy! I love the last little picture of him with that woman. He is looking right in her face and just looks so happy!!!