Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I teach the 3yr olds on Sundays. I was sick last week so my mom covered for me. Aren't they so cute? I missed them when I was sick.
Oh yea, and Isaac is learning right along with them. We were learning to sit reverently in a chair:) We only had big chairs my first week, so singing "Jesus Wants Me For A Sun-BEAM" was dificult for them to sit down again after jumping for the word "beam." Isaac will be old enough to go to nursrey in 5 months.


Brandon and Katie said...

oh my goodness! soo cute! we just barely got back from getting Dane's hair cut. Do you think he needed one? haha i just love that kid. Your little boys are too dang adorable too!

Kat Gille said...

Cute!!! And I love how Isaac's froggies on his shoes match his tie. That's funny to think about those poor kids trying to sit down quickly on chairs that hit them in the middle of their backs! Good thing you have little chairs now.