You're 13months old now. You like to drop kick, throw, fetch, and watch balls. You love to play outside. You're like a sweet cuddly little tiny baby in a big 1yr old's body. Daddy even said so the other morning when he brought you in to cuddle. You sleep through the night from 8 or 9 until 6 or 7 at which point Daddy brings you in with us. You usually go back to sleep after squirming a LOT.
I'm going to say that your first word is "uh oh" because you say it on your own when you drop something. That was Dylan's first word too. You can repeat other easy words like hello, dada, mama, duck, bye bye, etc. You have repeated some signs like blanket, more, and hi/bye, but your main body language is shaking or nodding your head. You do sign "all done" when I mention it or especially when Dylan tells us he's all done going potty. That's your first sign you do on your own. Your favorite food is raisens. You have a big personality and are really happy or realy sad. You like to find silky blankets and bring them to me for a big hug. I love that you still give baby kisses and that it wasn't just a short phase.
1 comment:
You are doing so good about writing letters to your boys. I haven't written any to Madison yet. I need to get on the ball!
I love his chubby ankles in this photo...cankles, ha! I've been wondering how you kept up with nursing this pudgy little guy for so long? Madison is wearing me out already and she is only 8 weeks old! I feel weak all the time. I need to eat and drink more I guess.
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