Thursday, January 31, 2008

Pain in the neck

Waiting for this baby is a pain in the neck.

Steven and I decided that tomorrow would be a convenient day for me to have this baby. I was supposed to work today to get in the last bit of money I could. I guess I cut it too close. My body said STOP!

I mentioned pinching a nerve in my back. It's never been this bad. Corrie tried to massage it but that just made my shoulder and arm get more tingly and hurt. She said it's not a muscle. As my massage therapist, she said "just CALL IN to work." I did call my boss and warn her that if it didn't get better, I couldn't work. I prayed that I'd have the baby last night b/c that's a better reason to call into work, but that didn't work. Instead I was up most of the night b/c I could NOT get comfortable. I watched the news and heard the stupid breaking news about Brittany Spears going to the hospital or whatever. (Some day we'll get more than one channel and a DVR like Betsey.) My arm was numb (still is) and I was having spasms and it hurt so bad. I went into work to call my patients and tell them not to come in. I felt guilty, but I really couldn't work. I don't know why I drove. I just sat in my car wondering how I would change lanes or cross the intersection. There's no neutral position when sitting up.

Anyway, the chiropractor saw me since I'm an established patient (from my last pregnancy) even though I didn't want x-rays. He was nice and understanding and said that I have a "displaced rib head" at my 8th cervical vertibra. He actually had me get on the floor and popped something over a rolled up towel. He popped my neck too and then had his assistant give me an ultrasonic massage for a bit. They said to come back after the baby and they'll see what's going on in there. He said it'll get more tight before it loosens up (bad news). I paid my copay and bought a big ice pack. I took a nap and woke up with the same pain just now as I had this morning.

So, I'm complaining. Sorry, but people keep asking how I'm doing. I think I've been pretty good with keeping the complaining to a minimum this pregnancy, but I'm DONE. I've had a pretty good pregnancy. My body's finally telling me to call it quits. I'm going to my weekly OB appointment in the morning and I'm going to have them schedule me for an induction. Even if it's 2-3 weeks out, at least I'll have a date set. Last time they got booked before I could schedule it. (My doc was going out of town and I wanted him.) It all worked out and I went into labor the day before he left.

I have some things I'd like to get done like write thank you notes, a scrap book holiday project, or make fund raiser grass skirts, but I'm going to rest. We're going to go get some spicy food tonight at Tiajuana Flats b/c that's what we ate the night before we had Dylan. Any other great ideas? Corries pressure points aren't working either.


betsey said...

Complain away Tiffany!!! You deserve it! The last few weeks are the worst, but you can do it!

[in training] julie b said...

I am so sorry! There is nothing like getting more pain on top of full term pregnancy pain. Whatever you do, do not, I repeat, DO NOT take blue cohash. It is a tincture that I read was supposed to make contractions more steady and have you go into active labor faster... well... 1. it was NASTY and it STOPPED my contractions! So, just avoid that in your search for how to go into labor.

Danielle said...

Sorry, Im not much help on this one. Maybe try jumping on a trampline or something?? Totally kidding. Sorry about all your pain!! Just think of what a cute little boy you are doing this for and maybe it will seem more worth it.

Tiffany Feger said...

I jumped on my mom's trampoline the last week before Dylan. That was just dumb b/c I felt bruised inside. His poor little head!