Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Our Mom Day

Steven bathed, fed, and mostly dressed the boys while I slept in. I love his little smushy legs. They're irrisistable. Isaac's hair, on the other hand, is pretty rediculous. We don't know what to do w/ it. I'm pretending that if I do nothing, it'll fix itself. I'm glad I don't have little girls. I don't think I'd be good at keeping up with the bows.
I saw my beautiful mom at church on our Mother's Day. I gave her an updated version of the "Uncle Martin the Hero" book. We got plants from church - better than carnations of years past. Dylan picked mine out for me. (My own hair needs some help too. My mom's is beautiful as ever though.)
*The book is so Isaac can get to know a little about his uncle Martin who's serving a mission for our church in Mexico. Martin left when I was pregnant with Isaac. I sent Martin that Superman shirt since he wanted my boys to think of him as a superhero. He went with it, then I made the book.

1 comment:

Kat Gille said...

I like your comments about Isaac's hair. I've been thinking lately that he has pretty crazy hair, but it just looks like he's trying to fit in with the style these days where teenage boys all seem to want long, messy hair. It's crazy how different Isaac is from Dylan. They seriously don't look anything alike to me. I think Dylan is a little Steven and Isaac is much more of a mix between the two of you.