Monday, May 18, 2009

All Day Volleyball Tournament

On the abnormally long drive to Siesta Key, Dylan did a little dancing when he didn't know I was watching, and Isaac made silly faces and noises. Darren and Andre are between Dylan and Isaac's heads, see? They played in the tournament. This clip has a random end:Here's a quick score.
The next one was taken through my polarized sunglasses. Doesn't the water look greener!
My baby loves me!
Go Dylan, go!

Barbie saw me taking pictures and offered to take a picture of us. She's the best:) Sweet Isaac slept like the baby that he is. He can sleep when I'm holding him. Steven and Dylan went and played on the playground while I sat there. Dylan rested a little then poured sand on his tummy then asked if he could get up, but didn't sleep 'til the ride home.What a good big brother.
Darren is jumping here.
Fudge Sticks always make it to the volleyball tournaments. They're more fun than my grapes.
Darren's serve Steven and Darren played a couple of games against Andre and Barbie.

Dylan and Isaac played in my shaddow while we watched. I got worried that my shaddow wasn't big enough for the both of them, so I took them back to our umbrellas.
Look! Dylan and Daddy are jumping over waves, let's go!

1 comment:

The Stevens said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun!