I really wish that I had a resident photographer like Lacey here to capture what I'm going to forget. I'd much rather that then a nanny or a maid etc. I have a regular camera that's perfect for most things since it's water proof and compact for my back pocket, but I covet big cameras that can focus where you want them to focus or let as much light in as I would want. Steven said I should start a website to get donations to help me buy a camera. I'm not sure if that's his way of telling me that it's not in our near future or that he feels my pain. Any get rich quick ideas?
My aunt is starting a photography business and came and took free photos for me. They're really good except Isaac was WIDE awake the whole time and was still a little cross-eyed. I didn't get what I had envisioned. The pictures are great in general and I'm using them for my birth announcement, but I wanted more. Here are some from my Aunt Robin.
Sweet sleeping baby
I want to cuddle w/ him!
Opening his eyes and discovering
warming back up with Mommy
tiny on a platter
I went to a portrait studio for more. Babies are only truely newborns for the first 10-14 days. They're still all scrunched up (face and legs/body) and sleepy (so I thought) and have peely skin (not much for Isaac) and still have their cords. I am so happy with both of Isaac's photo shoots. I spent more money than I had anticipated, but have no regrets. It really isn't that much money, but it's hard when I'm not making any at the moment.
I wanted naked baby pictures but the studio had a policy where they had to leave the diaper on. I should have maybe kept his clothes on b/c when I took them off, he woke up. At least he's not cross-eyed any more!
So thise were taken on his 2 week birthday - the last day of my true newborn. His cord fell off the next day.
my scrunchy baby little yawn
sparkel in his eyes
perfect fit
looking at my rings
I love how the camera captured his fuzzy hair. I've been trying to get it. They also used that blue satin fabric. Dylan would have been in heaven! I wonder if Isaac will like silky blankets too. I had wanted to do a picture of him on a stack of towels but had given up on the idea. I was going to ask Lacey how to make it look like a tall tower like she did for Abbey. Look what they did with the blankets - no trick photography! They also did a cute creative pose with his feet, but I'm using that on the announcement. The one of him on my hand turned out much better than I thought it would. he had just opened his eyes and started trying to scarf down my hand. He decided he was STARVING and kept turning his head and shaking it back and forth so fast. He looks calm though. The photographer let us take a break so I could nurse him. I didn't feel rushed at all and yet I was in and out of there in about an hour - WITH prints in my hand! I reccomend both my Aunt Robin and Portrait Innovations.
Thank you, Aunt Robin! Your leg was in a cast and you didn't complain at all about all the poses I wanted to try out.
Those are really really cute! The one with the satin blanket made me think of Dylan! I'm glad you went and got some done professionally. That stinks about the diaper policy...I have never heard that before.
Yay! They turned out great! It is a shame about the diaper policy. It may be cleaner, but they are missing out on those precious natural newborn poses!
My fav is the one of him wrapped in the blue silk. I'm going to have to get me some of that!
Isaac is ADORABLE!! i especially love the pic on the blankets.
I'm not having a stranger raise my babies. You must not know me, Mr/Ms. Anonymous.
I think that girls like you that only work two days a week so that you can be home with your babies the rest of the week are amazing moms. Having Corrie babysit two days a week does not come close to having a stranger raise them.
If money was more important to you, you easily could work 5 days a week and you would be rich and could buy the camera you want, but you do what you have to do to help support your family, and sacrifice all the extra money that you could be making to be with your kids.
You are a selfless and wonderful mother! Don't listen to anonymous comments, whoever made that is totally ignorant.
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