8lbs, 8.5 oz
lots of dark hair.
My camera is out with the visitors. My cool dad saves the day again by bringing his camera and lap top to my hospital room!
Last night we took Dylan to the mall to play at the playground b/c I've been a little lazy and feel bad. We rented a movie and I started contractions. I was too lazy and sore to go get paper and a pen to time them. We tried going to bed around 11:30. I made Steven go and get the What to Expect when You're Expecting book. I wanted to know when to call the doctor and go to the hospital. It said that we should head to the hospital when the contractions were 5 min apart. It said that we may want to go sooner if it's not our 1st baby.
So . . . I stayed up timing the contractions. I finally woke Steven up at 3:35 after a series of 2 minute apart contractions b/c we needed to load up the car. We both showered and left the house at 3:08am. We took Dylan to Darren and Corrie. I called my doctor who said to go ahead and get checked. We dropped off Dylan and were at the hospital at 3:26. Unfortunately, my contractions slowed down to 5-10 min apart. I was still just dialated about 4cm so the nurse told my doctor who asked to speak to me. He told me it was false labor and that it could be 4 hours or 4 days.
I'm glad we didn't call all our friends and family in the middle of the night if it was a false alarm.
SO I stopped the vain timing of the contractions and slept in 5-15 min increments. I haven't been sleeping b/c of my neck, then that was the 1st sleep of the night. The contractions eventually got closer together and really started hurting. I didn't have to wake up Steven this time b/c he heard me in pain. I hadn't been timing the contractions b/c I didn't want to get sent back home so why bother. Steven started. He got pretty excited. (He was more rested.) I fell asleep between the contractions even when they were 3 or 4 min apart. I was so tired.
Finally, I was ready for the epidural and didn't want to talk. We loaded back up in the car and Steven called my doctor. He's not the one on call, but he's our friend and we called his cell then his home phone. He's great and made me feel so comfortable.
At the hospital at 9:30, Steven dropped me off and parked the car and called my mom. I felt nautious and had Steven grab me an umbrella bag from by the door just in case. When they checked me I was in pain and already at 8cm. The nurses rushed an IV in me and got the bloodwork so I could have a speedy epidural. The time flew. I LOVED that epidural!
I started pushing at noon and was cradling my baby in my arms a half hour later at 12:27pm. After the first set of pushes, they had me stop and gave me oxygen and put me on my side. He liked being on my side. I sat every other contraction out so that Isaac could recover. The cord was wrapped around his neck. He cried a little but then was calm and happy.
Since it's a Saturday, we had lots of visitors waiting outside our door. My mom and Steven were in the room with me, Don and JT were the 1st to arrive and came in before I started pushing (then left the room). My dad, Steven's mom, Steven's aunt and cousin Selene, Andre and Rita, and Darren and Corrie were all there.
lol, you are too funny updating your blog in the hospital, I love it! We are so happy for you and the baby is beautiful. I am glad that everything went well. Let me know if you need anything okay!!
Wow! I didn't expect to see such a long post from you today! What I really expected was to see one from Steven or your dad. You are so funny! Congratulations Mama! He is precious! I love the pic of him through the nursery window. He looks so much like Dylan! I wish I could be there to you a big hug and snuggle on the new little guy! I'm so glad it went more smoothly for you this time around and that he is healthy and happy! :)
Tiffany, congratulations! Little boys are so sweet, aren't they? Glad you made it and everything went well. We'll be looking forward to more pictures of Isaac. Love, The Carpenters
Congrats! What a cute little baby boy! Tara
YEAH for baby Isaac!!! We are so thrilled for you guys!!! I can't wait to see more pictures and to hear about every little thing! We love you guys and are thinking about you!!
Yes! I showed my mom your blog last night and we both think that as newborn he looks a lot like Dylan. I am very impressed that you did such a great post already and that you are feeling good enough to look at other blogs and even comment! Way to go!
So are Isaac's hands as big as Dylan's were? And we're still waiting for a good picture of all his poofy hair!
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