Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Daddy Daycare

Steven's been a LOT of help. He doesn't let me lift Dylan which means that he actually changes lots of diapers! Dylan's changing table is high. When Dylan wants me to pick him up or when he asks for a hug, Steven redirects him with something fun. Usually they wrestle or jump on the couches. Steven also takes Dylan for walks around the block. Yesterday he took Dylan to Great Explorations until nap time. Steven had never been. They played in this row boat it looks like.

Today they went to Busch Gardens and saw lots of fun animals. He got to pet a sloth! They went to a 4-D movie there and rode the carousel. Steven had to go into work after I got home from the chiropractor today. So he's working as a stay-at-home-mom in the day then has to go to his day job at night. What a good guy.
Um . . . ?


The Stevens said...

That's fun, what a good daddy. We love Busch Gardens.

The McKays said...

Ha! That gorilla pic is hilarious!

Tiffany Feger said...

Yea, Matt and Lindsey commented on that one from facebook too. Pretty funny.