Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Isaac found his thumb (the 3rd time total, but 1st time I had the camera I think). It lasted maybe 7 seconds. I LOVE it. Once all of this moving stuff is over and we settle, THEN I'll try to wean Dylan off of HIS thumb and will try for real to potty train him.


Anonymous said...

He kinda looks like he thinks his thumb tastes sour!

So ... do you know where you're moving to yet? Are you buying Mom's old house?

The McKays said...

This picture inspired me to clean out my car today! :)

BTW, I think he is starting to look a lot like you! Dylan looks more like Steven and Isaac favors you and your family. It's fun to see the differences and similarities between the kids. I can't wait to see what our next one will look like!

The McKays said...

About the car comment...I meant that in a good way. Your car looks spotless! I know it's pretty new, but with a toddler and a newborn, I guess it surprised me to see it so clean. Especially since you're always going to the beach and picking up kids and stuff.