Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Big Brother To Be

I've debated when to tell people. I didn't even tell Steven last night b/c I wanted to be creative. I feel bad now. Sorry Steven. I can't hold it in. So -


Last time I told people to check my blog for good news, they asked if I was pregnant. Some people know that I was waiting for Steven to get a job and insurance. Check and check!

I've had crampings but thought that maybe I was just sick to my tummy over my cousin Chrissy. Now I think it was both. I've been really thirsty, and have been wanting watermellon and berries. That's what I really wanted this time 2 years ago. With Dylan, I pulled up a chair to my mom's counter top and just sat there cutting slice after slice of a big watermellon 'til my little brother laughed at me. I had almost eaten a whole watermellon. 8 months later it looked like I had eaten one whole like a snake would do.

I emailed Steven to tell him that I had a suprise for him when he got home from work. I asked if he wanted to wait 'til his birthday (next week) or not. He said "why wait? I love suprises!" I had church tonight and asked Steven if there was a chance he'd be home before I had to leave. He replied that only by a miracle. He was planning on staying late. I couldn't wait to I called him and told him that it would be worth it if he came home early. He flat out asked if I was pregnant! and I lied.

I made a shirt for Dylan today. I wanted to be creative telling Steven b/c last time I couldn't hold it in and I was jumping up and down and he was right there and had no time to think. I let Dylan tell Steven. We waited on the porch and Dylan was holding the test that I had sterilized. Steven said that he couldn't read the shirt from the car but then he saw the pregnancy test. He took it out of Dylan's hands before I could get Dylan to go give it to him as rehersed. He was happy and he said that it was worth comming home from work early for. We're a big happy family:) I had to rush off to teach the young women at church and we individually told some family. I still kinda want to take another test to be sure, and I know there are a lot of things that could happen, but I'm still excited.
I visited my friend's cute newborn twins yesterday. I just love them! Steven's friend Jerry had his baby yesterday. Then my friend Carolina had her baby girl today. Corrie and Stacy are also pregnant. My cousin Keri is using my maternity clothes b/c her baby girl is due soon. Babies babies everywhere!

I didn't want to admit to myself that I was pregnant b/c I kinda wanted to wait to get pregnant until this month. I did start taking prenatals just in case, I was in denial. Too much going on. I took the test exactly 4wks after the 1st day of my last period b/c I didn't want to waste a test if I was too early to tell. The baby's due date is probably around February 3rd which is 12 days before Dylan's birthday. I thought March would be perfect. Oh well, spring is in the air, and ready or not Dylan is a big brother to be!


Danielle said...

Congratulations!!!!! I can't put enough exclamations after that word to emphasize how excited I am for you! You are such a great mommy and you should have many more babies!! I hope it's a girl (because I love baby girl clothes), but a boy would be fun too because you can dress Dylan and him like twins...kinda. Anyway!! congratulations again!!
Love, Danielle, Ryan & Liam

The McKays said...

I'm so glad you decided to post about it now! The pics are priceless!!! We are soooooo excited for you guys! We love you so much and we can't wait to meet the newest addition to your adorable little family!

betsey said...

HIP HIP HOORAY!!! Our babies will be friends, just like Zak and Dylan :) I love it! Congratulations Tiffany, I'm so excited for you!!

Kat Gille said...

Yay!!! That first Dylan photo is my new favorite of all time. I'm so excited for you!

shannon said...

how exciting, Tiffany! that's great!

i love how excited Steven looks. somehow Tom never had such a joyful look on his face like that. glad you caught it on camera!

how far along are you/when will you know the gender?

shannon said...

sorry--just read it more carefully--wow, i love taking those early tests. they should come in bulk! Tara says they sell them at the dollar store in AZ. that would be good for me.

Tiffany Feger said...

the DOLLAR store! I would have found out a week ago if they were that cheap. I just got one test and it was not cheap.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations...We're so happy for your family! Love, Aunt Tina and Uncle Afton.

Kristen said...

Congratulations! You are right - our lives are super similar! I have also peeked at your blog a few times, but not lately enough to notice the "I'm pregnant" post! That's so funny! My little girl was born on Feb 12, so our two are just days apart! And my estimated due date is Jan. 27, so it looks like #2 will be days apart also! How crazy! You do look familiar, I'm sure I met you at the wedding. Well, nice to meet you again on the blogs! I'll have to add you to my links on the side. Congratulations on your pregnancy!