Monday, May 14, 2007

MY MOM Makes Me Smile Monday

Today is not an easy day for me and I was not going to participate in Shanon's MMSM but then I realized that I should be positive and take the time to say a couple of things about my wonderful mom. Everybody who knows her wonders how she's so strong and how she has such poise and how she raised so many kids. She's the Relief Society president and is an active part of all of her kids and grandkids' lives while she still works full time at work AND at home.

I love my mom. She has taught me lots and lots. There's no way I could list everything. She home schooled me and my 4 siblings 'til I was in 10th grade. She taught me self-reliance b/c she then had to go to work full time. She was still a full time mom and teacher to us. She became a mom to 4 others when she married Don. I admire her selfless love, her ability to bite her tongue, her success, her taking problems with stride, her willingness to say yes when she is needed, her confidence in us, the high standard she holds us to in everything we do, her generosity, the way she balances her millions of responsibilities and treats each one as if it's her top priority.

I've been told that I don't know how to say "no." I don't look at it that way. I like to say yes. My mom could always balance going to all of our sports events, graduations:), performances, meetings, scouts, fund raisers, etc. She taught me how to support these functions and how to take advantage of every oportunity. I recently quit one of my jobs and I really didn't want to. I was literally hanging on by a string just a half-day/week (when I could). I liked being a part of that office for what I learned from it and the people there. For me, being a mom has forced me to say no more. I don't know how my mom does it!
(For he explanation of the MMSM click here and to see others' responses to this blog carnival click here. You're welcome to participate too.)


shannon said...

hey Tiffany,

thanks for taking the time to participate on your busy day (i know they are all busy days!!). your mom sounds like a great lady. and now i see where you got all those good genes from!

is Steven liking his new job?

Tiffany Feger said...

No problem.
Steven's busy at work, but he should be, right?! He likes it. He's going to bed early now that his spring break is over.