Tuesday, May 22, 2007

2 babies

I think twins would be fun, but there's a lot to consider.

Dylan and Malia are now getting to a stage where they know how to push each other's buttons. Malia will sometimes steal Dylan's blanket or a ball. Honestly though she will usually only do it if Dylan has done something first and she actually finds and gives him his blanket more than she takes it.

Dylan, on the other hand, will just touch something of hers that he has no interest in just to get her all worked up. I learned my lesson that I need to put Dylan and Malia on opposite ends of the back seat b/c Dylan will just rest his hand on Malia's arm rest to make Malia get my attention. It's like she's saying "he's touching me," or "he's looking at me!" They're just like brother and sister. He's the little pesky brother. He's passive-aggressive. This is a picture of them fighting over the blue monkey.
They play together so well most of the time if they have room. I let them run free w/ no shoes on (don't tell on me). They were so happy. I love them so much.
I wrote a post about the day I went shopping for Mother's Day. Here's the answer to my question:
Danielle and her cute baby took me to Costco for my 1st time. This is where moms with twins should shop! It's really meant for 2 toddlers! The only problem is that Dylan would undoubtedly touch something in Malia's space if I took the two of them. It'll be a while before I run out of diapers now, but we'll see if I take them next time I go . . .

1 comment:

The McKays said...

Am I looking at two child seats on one cart? That's so cool! Every store should have those!