Wednesday, May 2, 2007

sun 'n fun

Today was fun! We had a play date at the beach. I'm not brave enough - or stupid enough to take the babies to the pool by myself, but the beach was great. Pass-A-Grill beach is easy b/c I don't have to walk a long distance from the car to the sand or water. It was high tide so there was a little "kiddy pool" of water for Malia to run free in. (Pictures will appear on her blog some time later.) Then continued the fun and multi-tasked by eating in the bathtub. They're napping so I can update you now.

They also had bubble blowing contests. Everybody wins!


The McKays said...

I thought about you today. I decided to be brave and take BOTH babies to Target with me! It just seemed like something you would do. They did really good. Aiden just sat in the cart and I put Abbey in the hip hammock. I love that thing! I browsed for like an hour without a peep from either of them! :)

Tiffany Feger said...

Awesome! Sometimes I just need to leave the house w/ them if they're fussy. We get bored of staring at each other. I don't brave Target w/ both of them much, but Corrie does lots w/ both.

I think I need a hip hammock. Steven will think it's only b/c you have one, but when Corrie or I have another baby I'll need one. I was thinking today in fact that I want to try out a sling or something. The snuggly isn't good for newborns.