Monday, May 21, 2007

Makes Me Smile Monday

Today's MMSM is supposed to be on the fads of the 80's but I wasn't trendy then to remember much about that era b/c I was born in 1980 and didn't have any older brothers or sisters. I hate 80's music, so I'm not participating in the assigned topic. I'm catching up on lots of stuff today and watched this video for the 1st time.

I got back in town last Thursday and was enjoying that Dylan was entertaining himself. Malia got him the basketball goal for his birthday and he LOVES it. Some people would take advantage of the fact that they don't have to entertain thier toddler all the time, but since I had missed him when I was in Oklahoma for Chrissy's funeral, I just wanted to sit back and watch. This went on a while before I got my camera. It's pretty funny at about the halfway point, but maybe just to his mommy. I also caught him signing "mommy," so it made me smile. I bet it will make you smile a couple of times too.

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