Sunday, June 3, 2007

5 Weeks with baby #2

I look sick and/or tired in this picture and more so in the collage one below. I'm 5 weeks, Corrie is 9 weeks, and Stacy is 12 weeks. A lot of people are asking how I'm feeling now that I'm pregnant.

First of all I owe Steven lots of appologies b/c I've been so moody. Thank goodness I can blame some of it on hormones now b/c I was thinking that I needed to see somebody for it. pregnancy cartoon I mentioned before about crampiness. That comes and goes. On Thursday or Friday morning I was really cramping but had to go to work anyway. It calmed down after a while.

I have been wanting berries, watermellon, water, cheese, and crackers. But I get full quickly. I'm nervous about gaining a lot of weight but that's dumb- I just need to be healthy. It's just that I thought I would get in great shape before this pregnancy and I haven't been to the gym STILL since right before Mother's Day. I have been tired (which adds to crankiness) so I've gone to bed as soon as Dylan has.

Yesterday there was no time to rest though. I got up at 6am, picked up my Grandma, drove to Orlando to see my brother Martin go through the temple for our church for the first time, and came back in time to wrap a present and get Dylan so we could be late to a birthday party. I debated not going so that I could rest but I really wanted to go so I fed Dylan "lunch" (if goldfish count) on the way there. I felt bad, but we didn't stay long at all b/c I had to take Dylan to my friend's house. Dylan had a blast, just look at Danielle's post for the cutest pictures. She watched Dylan b/c Steven had to work (yes on a Saturday). I went to get my hair done b/c it's the first "free" Saturday I've had in a long time and my hair was way overdue. I got Dylan (thank you again Danielle) then went home so he could take a short nap. I tried resting but Steven wanted to practice an opening statement for me. (He has his first trial on Tuesday!) I was uncomfortable and feeling yucky so I couldn't take a nap.

On to the next activity: We went to dinner w/ some of our friends who were able to go to a last-minute birthday dinner for Steven. Of course I wanted to go but that didn't mean I had to eat. I seriously had no appetite. I had started a pear for lunch but couldn't even finnish it. I thought I was getting the flu b/c I was freezing when Steven wanted to turn the air colder then I was hot then cold again. My tummy didn't feel good at all and I was so tired. I almost went out in the car to lay myself down while everyone else waited for the food, but I didn't. You can tell how I feel by the picture. Dylan's face is so funny when he was eating a lime.

Since it was Steven's birthday dinner and we were on the beach, we went to the Candy Kitchen. I ordered a Sprite float w/ rasberry ice cream. I drank some sprite since it's supposed to help w/ an upset stomach. It may have helped, who knows. The ice cream is in the freezer. We went right home and I slept through the night. (I've been waking up to try to get comfortable.) I woke up ready to prepare my two church lessons and felt great. (I didn't end up teaching either - oh well). I think that I just needed some good sleep - that's the moral of this T.M.I. story.


Danielle said...

I promise I will get you a disk of all the pictures. I have some really cute ones of Dylan with a beach bucket on his head. He looks so silly. Anyway, I will babysit anytime. Even if you just want to take a nap, let me know, I can come and get Dylan! Anyway, tell Steven Happy Birthday for us!!

Danielle, Ryan, and LIam

The McKays said...

Maybe all the moodiness and sickies means you are going to have a girl!

Or maybe this baby is trying to tell you need to slow down and take it easy for a while.

That's the great thing about being pregnant. You can use it as an excuse to get out of almost anything.

BTW, you look gorgeous in all of these pictures, as usual.

P.S. Drink LOTS of water! You're making me nervous with all the talk about cramps. I wish I'd drank more water during my pregnancy. My tummy was a hard ball about 90% of the time.