Saturday, October 4, 2008

snails, smoothies, brown eyes

This is the most beautiful park for being so small. First of all I'd like to say that Isaac can drink from a straw. I started putting my finger over the top then intermittently releasing it as I dangled it into his mouth. This is easier, but now he lunges for my smoothies! This one's organic, not a protein-banana-mistake one.
There are a couple of fountains. Not sure what Dylan was laughing at here, but I'm glad I have a picture of it.
Dylan goes over to give Isaac random hugs a lot throughout the day.
He's such a good big brother.

We walked over to the pond. Dylan wanted to see if he could see any fishies. He spotted a snail!So he picked it up to get an even better look.
He's a strong kid, look at those muscles! My Grandpa Rebeck used to ask my brothers to see their muscles all the time. Dylan will say "I'm frong, this hod." (I'm strong, this [is] hard.) He'll knock on his muscles to show me they're hard. He knows he's not as strong as Daddy though.

Then he asked me "why" we didn't go over to the other park with the slides. The light isn't as good over there and there are too many distractions.

1 comment:

Amber Ayres said...

these pictures are soooo sweet. your boys are truly beautiful!