Wednesday, August 13, 2008

6 Months

Ok, so these are his real 6 month portraits.
Corrie gave me a gift certificate to Portrait Innovations,
so I figured I should do the below spaghetti pictures at the same time
I got his 6 month portraits done.
Isaac weighs 1oz less than Noah did at his 6 month appointment 2 weeks before.

Weight 18lbs, 12oz
Height 27 1/4"
He's in the 75th percentile
(if I remember correctly)

Isaac is sitting up perfectly. He reaches for things beyond his reach and slowly falls over in his quest. He sits there for a while content until he realizes he's a beached whale and can't move. Then I have to rescue him. Usually Dylan comes running announcing "i-gik fell ov-uh, Mom, uh-oh, go get him. i-gik sad, Mama." Isaac still loves to nurse. He does not have anything else that soothes him like a pacifier, blankie, or thumb. I have been loving it, but now realize that I've spoiled him. No really, I have. I put him in the crib on occasion, but give up and bring him in bed with me. He wakes up lots and lots. I have let him cry it out, but a half hour later, he is still so upset and is DREANCHED in sweat. The house is cool, but he just gets SO worked up and upset. Just holding him tight calms him down a bit, but it isn't until he's nursing that he feels save and secure again.

At night, he rolls over with a wide open mouth like a blind little baby bird. I watch it on the monitor, but I feel it more b/c he's right by me. I'm the human pacifier. I wouldn't mind if my milk slowed down b/c I made it 6 months. I only lasted 5 months w/ Dylan b/c we stupidly switched to faster flowing bottles and he liked that. He refused to nurse in the day, then didn't want to at night either. I felt like it was time for baby #2 at that instant b/c I wanted a baby to need me. Well, I got more than I asked for with Mr. Baby #2 here:)

It's hard getting a babysitter. Dylan sometimes says "I don't like new house." When I ask him where he wants to be, he says "Dita house" or "Mia-ma house" (Abuelita/Steven's mom or grandma/my mom's houses). Isaac likes our new house just fine though. He doesn't mind other houses, as long as I'm there with him. He's happy unless he gets tired, so I hear. He doesn't like to go to sleep.

Isaac loves to laugh. Dylan makes him laugh the hardest and longest. Gotta love that!

Isaac eats some real foods, but it takes forEVER to feed him. I usually have to smush his cheeks to make his mouth open. Sometimes I give him a waterproof toy so that when he goes to taste it, I sneak my spoon in his mouth first. For such a chubby baby, he sure is a picky eater. Dylan ate everything so quickly and easily.

When I put Isaac up in the crawling position he will rock. It's so cute. When I put him in the standing position, he rocks even more. I laugh so hard because it's like those dancing santas from Halmark. He just moves his tummy and hips all around in jerky silly movements like he can't control it. I think I have a video of it if I get around to posting it. It's so funny. How can he not have that ballance?:)

I LOVE that he loves me and he's such a cute sweet baby.

6 months

4-1/2 months

2 months

1-1/2 months

1-1/2 weeks

1 comment:

betsey said...

It is so hard to know what to do with sleeping kids--is it better to let them cry it out or console them at night? I debate about it all the time. I think my worst problem is that I am not very consistent with my night time behavior. I need to get better on it.

Isaac is so beautiful though, I can't wait to see him in person!