Monday, June 6, 2011

Dylan's preschool graduation - so cute! and Steven's birthday

Dylan started at North East Park Preschool when he was 2 and a half.  He started with Mrs. Debi, then had Ms. Dee Dee briefly, and has been with Mrs. Prodey and Ms. Barbara the longest.  He started cutting with scissors and learned how to be more outgoing and to play with friends.  His favorite friends are Finn, Drake, Logan, and Damon.  I learned that good friends are important even at an early age.  One day Dylan told me that he didn't want to wear a red shirt because one of the boys in his class told him that red is a girl color.  What?  Peer pressure changed my son's favorite color?  He always has the red toothbrushes then all of a sudden, he doesn't like red because of another kid's opinion??!  I'm glad it is just with colors, but I can't imagine the impact a kid could have on my baby if he were to go there 5 days a week.  He only goes twice a week now.  Well, not any more I guess.  It's summer vacation! 
 On June 5th, we started our day out with french toast, eggs, turkey bacon, and OJ for Steven's birthday.  Then he let the kids open his presents. 
 After church, my family came over where we surprised Steven with yet another Yoder's Peanut Butter Cream Pie.  He hadn't noticed it in the fridge hiding behind the pickles and salsa jars. 
 Dylan draped himself with his jungle paraphernalia and we presented him with his real Hawaiian lei because he was graduating that evening. 
 He didn't get a nap.  He played with his new Thor toys Steven got him for his graduation present.  Isaac did have a nap, so Steven got him a new fish to replace "Jumpy," who had recently passed away.  (Side note: Dylan named his new fish "Hula" because of the way it wiggle/swam and Isaac named his new fish "Hawaii party" because of Dylan's fish's name I'm sure.)
 At school, Dylan wasn't sure he wanted to wear the orchids because nobody else would be wearing them.  He gave his teachers each a loose orchid. 
 The three graduating classes sang "My Florida Alphabet" by Russ and Annie Johnson.  See Dylan and Malia in their matching leis?
click here to see their video
 Dylan's class sang "Oh, Be Careful Little Eyes," the "Hippo Song," "Big, Big House," and "One Small Voice." 

After the other classes sang their songs, it was graduation time!  Dylan was 2nd in line.  He called his white robe his costume. 
 He's getting his diploma from his teacher, Mrs. Prodey. 
 And he got a hug from the director, Ms. Summer. 
 After graduating, they got to sit with us. 
 Aren't they the cutest little graduates you've ever seen? 
 Here's Malia's cousin Olivia, and the two little brothers.  How cool is it that they were all dressed tropically:) 

Congratulations my little Dylan!  You sang all of the songs and really did the actions:)

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