Thursday, June 3, 2010

Isaac's trike ride

Isaac can now ride a tricycle!  He has been doing it a little, but we only have a small cement slab in the back yard, and in Dylan's school, it's crowded with other kids when we stay to play.  We took the kids on a bike ride to the school at the end of our street.  Dylan started out in the front, but his tires were flat, so Isaac and I passed them while Steven got the tire pump to save the day. 
Dylan ride in circles while we took for EVER getting to the school.  Isaac can pedal, but he's still slow! 
But man did he LOVE it!  We went back the next night too. 

1 comment:

Kat said...

Cute. It's funny that he already looks like a big kid on a bike that's close to being too small for him. But he's getting it! You guys sure are patient to go all the way to the school like that . . . and to do it again the next night!