Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's clicking

Isaac has only been wanting to swim with me or Steven.  Otherwise he stayes on the steps or does "choo choo train" around the edge.  Until last night.  I was out visiting teaching (and getting pulled over) with my grandma, and Steven got Isaac to fall in love with swiming like he did last summer.  He's so excited with going "under water, mom, underwater!"  He glides and kicks his little legs and asks me to take his picture. 

So after teaching a batch of swiming lessons this evening, I got in to see him practice his under water face again. 

Dylan is swiming more too, he can float on his back, turtle float, and get rings from the bottom.  I should teach him diving and swiming on his back.  We're just so lax with structured teaching for our own kids.
Isaac's eyes are tired.  He was actually asking me to take the picture again and again and again, silly guy. 
Hi Kailin, thanks for visiting us this evening!
 And Isaac has my camera at the end to give me a dose of my own medicine.


Lindsay said...

CUTE. So you would be proud of me, I think. We took Ada swimming again yesterday AND I dunked her underwater. She did not cry, just was a little shocked. Was that okay?? I felt kind of bad, but she continued splashing after that. What is the general rule with that?

Kat Gille said...

What's turtle float? And you look tan and toned in your picture at the end.