Friday, November 9, 2007

Boo boo bear

I don't know how to spell that, but it is what it is. Dylan bumped his head once out of the million times he was jumping off of our couch and ran for the freezer requesting this. It was so cute b/c he was in his favorite cuddly PJs holding the cold boo boo bear to his own head. (Obviously he wasn't seriously hurt b/c he started dancing around and around with it.)


[in training] julie b said...

Love all of the new posts! Whenever I try to put an ice pack on Bray for one of his many bruises from being way to energetic and climbing on everything he hates it. I wonder if he would hold something like that booboo bear? Did you get that at a regular store?

Tiffany Feger said...

It was on the isle at the grocery store hanging in front of soups or something random. Corrie has a "boo boo bunny" that someone made for her out of a washcloth. They like that too. Dylan will suck on ice in a wash cloth if he bumps any part of his mouth. He did that a LOT when he was 1st learning how to walk.

Danielle said...

I need to get one of those with the number of times Liam gets hurt every week! Dylan looks so cute in those pajamas!