I now need to have a calendar with me at all times or I'm likely to double book something. I should not make any plans without first consulting my calendar. It always works out, but sheesh! I can't remember plans.
Labor Day snuck up on me. I didn't even realize it was today until last Thursday. I worked Thursday and Friday so thus didn't have time to make any cool plans. (Well aperently I made plans to teach a swimming lesson - oops.) I think it would have been fun to go cannoeing w/ a big group including Dylan but oh well. So Steven was at work at like 9pm last night and we made plans to go to Sarasota. Malia and her family went too. We don't have a mini-van yet, so we still had to drive separate.
I remembered to charge my camera battery last night! I got a lot of cute pictures of Dylan and Malia. I even got some family pictures of us b/c it's rare that Steven gets to go on these outings with us. Well, I thought I was clever and renamed that group of pictures. Somehow I selected that group and instead of moving them to Dylan's 18 month picture folder, I deleted them! What's wrong with me?! There's no "edit undo" button for being such an idiot.
I don't think I've done that before, so I'm blaming it on being pregnant. What else can I blame it on? Corrie had her camera too, but I took a lot more pictures. I have the waterproof camera so we took most of our pictures in the pool. We got some of just Malia, so I'll have to sadly tell Corrie about that.
So here's what we did:
We got to the Mote Aquarium when it opened at 10 b/c my zoo pass works there this month for "Swaptember." We got to see Nemo, some sea turtles, and even dolphins. I like the Florida Aquarium better because of the outdoor play area, but I like that this one has a hospital where it takes care of injured animals like the turtles and dolphins.
Here's the one picture that I didn't delete:
Did you look in your desktop trash bin??? I hate loosing pictures! And, I am still trying to recover from pregnancy stupids. I think I have lost about 60% of my long term, pre-baby memory. And I really, really had to rely on a calander while pregnant. Good Luck!
Yes, you should be able to recover them out of your trash can folder without a problem. If you already emptied your trash, then they are probably gone forever. I did that with one of my favorite pics of Abbey before I got it posted anywhere. I was so mad!
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