Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Anatomy Ultrasound

I'm 19 weeks pregnant with this little baby.

I haven't felt much movement. I'm not that worried, but that's what mothers do. He/she sat still for the ultrasound pictures so the ultrasound tech could do all of the important measurements. Then he/she wiggled which made me smile. I also felt movement. The tech was good and reassuring to me with every measurement she did. The baby is right on schedule with no signs abnormalities at all.

What they say is that I shouldn't care if it's a boy or a girl as long as it is a healthy baby.

The tech asked if I wanted to find out the gender. I said no but asked if they write it down in my chart in case I want to know later. She said no. WHAT? She said that someone might slip and tell me if she did. I was about ready to have her tell me. I told Steven last night that I may want to find out around Christmas time. The tech said she would put the info in a sealed envelope for me. That reassured me that I could wait.

She had me look away a couple of times when it may have been obvious. She gave me a CD with all of the measurement pictures on it then printed a separate one to put in a sealed envelope. She wrote Merry Christmas on the outside. She said that it was good that I planned ahead and we could open it on Christmas morning if we want. I figure that's holding out 8 months which may be long enough.

Do you know how hard it will be to wait now? I didn't even want to find out before, but now . . . I left holding that info in my hands! Marcie told me she gives me one week then she thinks I won't be able to wait. We'll see.
Dylan was great with waiting. I took this picture b/c it's one way that a photographer advertises (above his head w/ the big glaring flash).


The McKays said...

Oh my gosh! That's crazy! You have the info right in your hands and you haven't even peeked yet?! You have WAY more self control than I do!

I don't plan on finding out the sex of our next baby, because the whole ordeal with Abbey was a big enough emotional roller coaster for us, but there is no way I could make it nine months...well, not even one week if I had the info in my hands!

The McKays said...

BTW, I clicked on the us pic and it showed up bigger in a different window just fine.

Kristen said...

Holy cow! I can't believe you didn't peek either. There's NO way I could've been holding the info and not have peeked! That's fun you had your ultrasound... my official one with the doc is on Monday, I'm pretty excited to see the little guy again! Good luck NOT peeking! I think I may not find out on our next, since we will have one of each... we'll see though, I don't know if I could actually hold out!

Danielle said...

Did you look yet?

tarable said...

Tiffany - it's been a long time since I've read your blog and since you're so good about posting I had to read through a lot. I did read all of them, but had to go back a long way to get to this one - which is what I was looking for. I have a friend who did that too - had the sex sealed in an evelope and opened it Christmas morning. I think that's great! I wanted to find out about mine, because if it was a girl I had lots of shopping to do. But - another boy for us! We're excited and will check back to find out your news.