Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Oath

Steven was sworn in today! He went to a formal ceramony at the court house where he used to work. His friends, well namely one, are/is trying to get him to work there. It's tempting mainly b/c of the lunch break perk. He'll get to go to lunch w/ his friend Jerry every day. Their favorite is a buffalo chicken salad that I don't care for.

I got off work early and we dressed Dylan in his tie. He was fine until the opening prayer. He started signing for milk and got wiggly. I took him out before the bailiff asked us to leave. This tantrum was outside the court room.
Thankfully, Jerry saved the day. Dylan was tired and fell asleep in Jerry's arms so that I could be inside taking pictures. Steven has lots of supporters. We've all waited a long time for this. Now maybe he'll work so I can work less:)Steven was so happy. This makes him official! We went home and he sent out another resume. My brother came home from BYU today so we went to dinner to celebrate Steven being all grown up and having Martin back.

1 comment:

betsey said...

Congratulations Steven...what a wonderful day for the Feger family! I'm so glad that you got to take all those pictures Tiffany. Dylan looks really great in his white shirt and tie :)