Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Conference Break

This was the general conference weekend. Twice a year we get to listen and watch church as it is broadcasted around the world from the conference center in Salt Lake City, UT. We watched the speakers in the morning on Dylan napped a lot of it. Then we were restless and decided to go to Crescent Lake park to fly kites.
It was a first for Dylan. Steven got him a surfboard kite and it came with a little blue bird kite too. Steven was determined to fly the surfboard kite but the wind was gusty then flat. It would go high but then take a nose dive. Dylan liked standing or sitting on the surfboard more. I like to think he was dreaming of riding one some day.
Dylan liked the little kite and insisted on holding the string. He liked watching it do flips but then just walked with it dragging behind him. Poor birdie. I think he's ready for those pull toys like the Fisher Price telephone.

We went back to listen to more conference then went to Grandma Rebeck's for yummy Lasagnia and Boston Creme Pie:)

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