Sunday, August 9, 2009

Damask Fabric

Isaac, 18 months old


Kat Gille said...

So cute. I love all of the pictures (except the one with the green dog--I don't really get that one). They capture his personality so well and they're cute and colorful. I even love that his silly little froggy shoes show in two of the pictures. They're kind of his trademark apparel since I don't know any other toddlers who wear them. It's hilarious how perfectly you can see his little footprint in the bottom of the one in the last picture. It's practically black, so it looks like when they put babies' footprints on their birth certificates. :P

Tiffany Feger said...

You're right. I took off that doggie pic. It matched and he was playing w/ it, but you had to be there.

I have always loved his little feet. It's kinda gross having a footprint show on his shoes, but he wears them, so that's how they are. I hate shoes, He loves shoes. These work for both of us. I wish the Children's Place sold the little sandals they used to sell. They have a different kind and they don't stay on Isaac's feet.