Monday, June 4, 2007

He's Talking!

I love that Dylan knows so much sign language, but it's so fun that Malia can talk. Dylan is 3 months younger so I'm always seeing her milestones then I can't wait for him to do them. I wasn't worried that Dylan wouldn't talk, but he has only had one real English word for months now. Steven wanted me to stop signing b/c he said that's what's preventing him from speaking. He still has some baby language that I just love. It's like "ducka dica dica dica ducka" and it's fun to repeat.

He can mimic what we say, but I'm not sure if he associates when HE says what he says with the object or idea. It's just fun phonetics comming out of his mouth. (He does understand everything we ask him or say to him.)

Steven says that Dylan will look at him and do the sign for daddy AND say "da da" but it's so easy to say that I haven't picked up on it - probably selective hearing since I want him to say (and mean) "mom" or "ma ma ma ma" first.

Today at the pool Malia was pointing at a dead June bug and was saying "bug." Dylan then said it! He pointed and touched it and repeated himself! I then pointed to a ball and tried annunciating "Ball, B B B Ball," but he just got excited, pointed, and did his sign language. Maybe I should stop signing what he alredy knows so that he'll use words too.

So today he was saying "please!" He has and uses a sign for it, but he was really saying it! I was jumping and clapping and kissing his cheeks so much then we interrupted Daddy in his trial prep to show off. Dylan kept saying "eeeees" with a big cheezy grin. I had to get it on video. He was kinda over the excitement by the time I got my camera, but he still did it and even repeated "hot" and "bug." Since Steven said he also knows "da da" I tried that, but he went back to the sound of his voice saying "ba ba ba ba." He was "all done." (He put his hands up, but my camera is too close to really get that sign.) Also, I know his mouth is full, but I couldn't wait to capture his cute "Please." I should have stopped the video after I got it, but some day I'll figure out how to edit my videos.List of his signs:
Milk, water, ball, more, eat, drink, up, mommy, daddy, (maybe uncle), shoes, blanket, potty, cold, please, bird, airplane, book, and he learned bananna today!

another T.M.I. bit: he went in the big potty today (b/c I caught him half way through) then he did the sign while he was in the tub. I said, no, not now - you went potty earlier. You do that in the potty. Well, I should have "listened" b/c he went potty. Luckily the there was no standing water and it was an easy clean up while he sat - soaking wet - on the potty. He may be ready to be potty trained after all. I'm just not as up for it as I was before. I'm going to wait 'til Malia is going through it b/c it would just be harder on Corrie if Dylan is running around having accidents. That day will come.

1 comment:

betsey said...

What a fun time! Thanks for sharing all of Dylan's great milestones! He is just so sweet!