Monday, June 11, 2007

Swimming lessons w/ Uncle Andre

Even though I teach swimming lessons, I'm now playing more w/ Dylan than having structured lessons when we're in the pool. I do some stuff - of course, but at this age, lessons are usually just 15 min and we like to play a lot longer than that.
Andre was taking Dylan around the pool and had him reach for the wall then do "choo choo train" to safety. They also practiced dunking thier faces in the water, bubbles, and kicking. He's horizontal, reaches out instead of being clingy, doesn't mind putting his face in the water, and doesn't even think to wipe his eyes. Those are usually hurdles I have to work on with kids.
My mom taught swimming lessons yet had to put us in swimming lessons. I've heard that before. A parent just doesn't differentiate between structured lessons and fun. A lot of our friends are/were lifeguards, so I'm sure someone will teach Dylan to swim. I want him to swim the width of the pool by the time it gets cold out. We'll see. Swimming w/ Uncle Andre

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