Monday, June 11, 2007

Learning with books

Both babies love books. It's fun because they will point and recognize pictures. They will say or sign the words. They both have their own languages too so they'll tell you the story in baby-gibberish while they bang and point at the pictures. I cropped this picture b/c the book shelf has half as many books on it as it did this morning. They're all over the floor. We have lots of books thanks to some wonderful friends - mostly Marcie, Corrie, my mom, and a million from Kathy . (We have other bookshelves in the play room from the Szaszs.)

Dylan just started saying "happy" today and he suprised me by doing the sign for "dog."

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1 comment:

The McKays said...

Oh my gosh! He is SO SMART!!! He is learning so fast! He knows more signs than I do! But I'm not a bit surprised. You are such a good mom.

I've been doing more signs with Abbey lately, but I don't even know if she's paying any attention to me. I show her the signs for "food", "all done", "more", "bird", "water", and "milk" because that's all I have learned so far. Speaking of which, I need to go study...