Friday, February 21, 2014

Potty training

I'm not ready to go all in yet, but Tyler can pull off and on his undies and shorts, can climb up on the toilet, and knows when he needs to go. He likes to FaceTime his Aunt Kat and cousin Baby Sadie while going. When we are home, he wears undies. He does not have the desire to try new potties unfortunately so he may be going in the grass a lot when we are out.
My pool boy is cuter than your pool boy! 
He picked out undies at the store. He has a variety now. 
Potty dance! 
He gets a "potty treat" when he goes. And gets a big treat if he poops in the potty. Like a lollipop. 
He put his diaper on his puppy. 
Ivy wears underwear here too. She came and told me she had pooped. Gross. In Tyler's underwear. Corrie tried potty training her months ago but Ivy refused to poo in the potty and still does. She would scream when I put her on the toilet. We gave up. Now I am just letting her play along. She likes the new potty treats. The Reese's Pieces did nothing for her so I added gummy bears. Tyler knows his colors and usually picks two orange Reese's Pieces. 
Tyler, if he has shorts on, will ask me if he has a diaper on or not. That is my cue to rush him to the potty. He does not want to have an accident, especially not poo. He will go in the potty or diaper for that. He has had one accident. It surprised him and was on the tile luckily.


Anonymous said...

Can i please come over and butt fuck tylers asshole hard and have good rough sex with him ill pay if so

Anonymous said...

If anyone has a kid eather boy or girl i want to see pics of them message my wicker


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Would love to fuck both of them