This morning, Steven went to go help somebody move and was so hot that he had to get a slurpee on the way to unload the truck again.
The boys and I went for a morning walk, ate some tropical oranges and bananas for breakfast (they can peal clementines themselves if I start them!), then we went to go see their uncle JT wrestle. It was so nice outside that we ate string cheese and sandwiches real quickly so we could go out back. I went back inside to change into a tank top and shorts b/c it's NOT jeans weather. I pushed the boys on the swings, then they pumped their legs by themselves.
I started cleaning the leaves out of the pool (a weekly task now that it's so windy) and Dylan set up his baseball stuff, bases, batting hat, and all.
He even ran them in order!
Then, b/c he was hot and sweaty, and Isaac was already having fun with me dumping water on himself from the pool, Dylan asked if he could go get his swimsuit on. I asked him to feel the pool first b/c it's only 70 degrees. He felt it, then ran in to change. He jumped right in and kicked all the way to the steps! Crazy kid. Crazy weather too.
I love living in Florida!
Oh, and it's our anual Festivus for the rest of us party tonight! December is sooooooo busy!
1 comment:
Yeah, I think you wrote this post with the underlying purpose of making the rest of us who don't live in Florida jealous! :P Sounds like paradise. It's freezing here! In the mornings I put on a sweatshirt, then a wool coat, then a hat and scarf, and I have to walk in people's tire tracks to avoid getting snow in my shoes. Yep, it's COLD!
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