Monday, July 9, 2007

Rain Boots

Danielle got these for Dylan. I was so excited that it had rained all day. We went right outside her house so Dylan could play in the puddles. He loved his new yellow shoes.
I had to chase him down the street. I think it's funny that he stayed in the long puddle as he stared at his bright yellow boots.
He got to wear them to the grocery store where we got ingredients to make lasagnia from scratch. The young women at church made dinner for the missionaries in our branch the next day for one of our activities.

Liam and Dylan in their matching rain boots
Steven and Dylan played the old game of "guess what hand it's in." Notice Dylan wanted to wear his rain boots with his PJs.


Kristen said...

He looks so cute in those yellow boots! Love it!

Danielle said...

Such cute pictures. I totally forgot you took those outside my house! I am glad that he likes them!