Monday, July 9, 2007

Pioneer Burrial Ground

I don't know the actual name for this cemetary. I think it's just called the Old Navoo Burrial Ground. It's a place where lots of families burried their loved ones.
Dylan got his nap while we were there on the peaceful hill

It is sad b/c a lot of gravestones had birth and death dates that were not far apart. Babies were burried here. The saints had to sacrafice so much. Some mothers had to burry their babies when thier husbands were away serving. This is a headstone of 1yr old and a 2yr old brothers.


Anonymous said...

Hi Tiffany:
I was reading through your blog and saw the picture of the headstone pic from Nauvoo. The people on the headstone are Jared's relatives, we have the same picture from when we went. The mom of these boys in Jared's 4 great grandma. I just saw it and it looked familiar! Kim

Anonymous said...

Just in case you don't realize who I am, it's Kim (McDougall) Cawley from Oklahoma