Saturday, March 6, 2010

{Baby} Steven's Finger Surgery

Steven broke his finger playing flag football. He tore the ligaments and his finger looked so deformed. He couldn't move the end of his finger at all. He went to a hand specialist who splinted it and told him he needs surgery. This is Steven's FIRST BROKEN BONE ever, so you can imagine his distress.
We went out for a last meal at Leroy Selmon's the night before. Steven's surgery was supposed to be at 8:30am, but they moved it to past Steven's lunch time, so he had lots of time to pace in the morning. I don't think he was hungry though, he did a good job prepping at Leroy Selmon's:) We took all 4 kids to drop him off. He doesn't look nervous!
But he almost passed out when they were setting up his I.V. He can't give blood either. It's always the tough guys who almost pass out:) He doesn't know why, b/c it wasn't the pain, and he didn't look. They had the anesthesiologist rush in to give him something to calm him down. I told him they he should have called in some valium or something for him. Oh well. That was the worst part of it, he said. Then he woke up well rested, pain free, and happy. Luckily my brother got out of school early that day, so he came while all 4 kids slept. (They really did sleep the entire time I was gone - easiest babysitting job ever!) I went, waited, and listened to the post op instructions while Steven tried to eat with his handicapped hand.
He felt a little sick on the way home, and couldn't focus (or maybe he didn't care what the docs and I had to say), but settled in on his couch nicely. The 4 kids and I had rented the entire 1st season of "24" for him since he started watching it last season and likes it. He has gone through 2/3 of the season I believe in less than 2 days. I took the day off yesterday to baby him, but I don't think I did a good job. I sat and watched some "24" with him and made him a sandwich. He is much better of taking care of me when I need it.
He was feeling well enough to watch the kids while I did a Team National presentation (thank you Andre and Barbie - exciting right?!) and while I volunteered with Head Start kids this morning. He also took Dylan to Tee Ball practice this evening. (I need to blog that, huh - later I guess.)
My new friend, Dr. Hedrick, let Steven borrow a cool pillow that keeps his hand propped up. Maybe I'll get a pic of it later. The pain meds don't seem to give Steven much relief, but he's doing well. I think he hates that he can't see his finger for 2 weeks. It's a bulky bandage, so he's definately handicapped, my poor baby Steven.
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Kat Gille said...

Ow. BIG ow. I didn't know it was possible to break a finger that badly! And he can't see his finger for two weeks? That would drive me nuts too. How is he supposed to shower or wash his hands?

julie babcock said...

I feel faint and sick when I have to have blood drawn or an IV inserted have any kind of needle stuck in me. It's not the pain. I tell them that faster is better even if it hurts more! I hope Steven heals quickly!