By now, the kids have eaten or shared their candy. I, sadly, have no self control, and ate a lot too. Since we weren't home to pass out candy until the last hour, I had a lot of good leftover yummy candy (which is now hidden).
SO, on Monday, I decided to go on the NC diet. My brother Matt is its founder. Basically, the rules are, No Crap. I wrote "NC" on my hand as a reminder; (smaller than Matt did.) From what I've learned about food to this point, I am not eating any crap. (I'm still eating a lot though.) But then today Steven made some delicious cookies and put a perfect one right in my hand assuring me it's ok to eat. Well, the cookie must have been poison, b/c I later ate a bite of the cookie dough, destroying my NC diet. I'm back on it though. I'm eating a lot of fruits, veggies, nuts, and juices. I'm only eating natural, organic, or 100% stuff. Everything else really is crap, you know. I'm telling you this so I will keep up with the will power and I'll pack my carrot slices and apple slices instead of my purse full of candy. Oh, and I'm running a race accross the state of Florida in about a week. I'm only running 14 of the miles, broken up into 3 legs. I'm pretty sure I'm the slowest runner, but I didn't want to be the unhealthiest, hence the NC diet.
So that's what Halloween looks like in Florida. Front doors with lighthouses on them, sweaty kids, and...are those poinsettias I see on that front porch? We have barely touched our candy. I was letting Abbey have three pieces a day, but then I put it up in a cabinet and we haven't thought much about it since. You are tempting me to pull it out today!
now is the time to NOT be on the NC diet when we're running like crazy! Now is when I'm like "hey I ran 5 miles today... go ahead and have that dessert!" :) good for you!!
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