Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Isaac videos

Isaac was loving the merry go round at Busch Gardens. He was saying "UP . . . down . . . UP . . . down ..." then he started making the noise that horses make (you know, blowing through your pressed lips) and pointing where they were.

He is so cute when he sings the ABC song. For a long time, he has known the tempo and the melody, but only annunciated the "eeeee" sound at the end of each phrase. I figured out that there really is an "E" sound at the end of each phrase. He would really be on key too! So instead of

ABCDEFG, he would sing

"Ay uh, uh uh, uh uh Eeeeeeeeee (A B C D E F Geeeee)

uh uh, uh uh, u,u,u,u, Eeeeeee (H I J K LMNO Peeeee)

uh uh uh, uh uh Eeeeeee (Q R S T U Veeeee)

uh uh, uh uh Eeee" (W X Y and Zeeeeeee),

and now he adds "No-why no-why, A Ee Eeee, uh uh meeeee" (something like now I know my ABCs, next time won't you sing with meeeeee).

He was tired and was watching a movie here, but I finally got some of it on video. Just enough so you get the jist of it. He was so sleepy though.

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