Thursday, February 18, 2010

too many caps?

Have you read the "Caps for Sale" book?
I wish I had taken a funny picture to go along with this post, but I just thought of it.  I sit at my computer too much, yet not enough.  I think I wear too many caps (hats).  I think that an automatic email signature is such a good way to market one's self.  A mom of a kid in Dylan's preschool emailed me back when I RSVPd to her son's birthday party, and I found out where she works from the link at the bottom of her email.  I then asked about it.  She didn't do any soliciting, and it was her work email, so it's supposed to be there.  I do a LOT of email correspondence, some as a friend, some as a photographer, some as a dental hygienist, a lot as a dental hygiene association president, some as a primary counselor at church, some as an etsy store owner, some as part of new company I'm looking into, and I think that's about it.  I have a lot of electronic signatures I could choose from, and they don't mix.  I really love doing the things I do.  I just can't decide on one, and I also like to volunteer yet think that I need to find a way to make more money with all of the things that I do.  A lot of people wear a lot of hats.  I wonder if I wear too many.  It's odd, and maybe like the guy in the book, I should be calling out,
"Caps, caps for sale, fifty cents a cap!" 
And hopefully, unlike the book, somebody will buy the pretty purple PCDHA president cap from me, I like all of the other colorful ones:)

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