Thursday, December 4, 2014

Field trip to the yacht club

Dylan and Isaac get to learn about esthetic and functional risk management through pre orthodontic periodontal augmentation. (AKA playing their ipads in the back of the ballroom at the St. Pete Yacht Club while I eat sliders and do the learning.)
I did not have a last patient. Bessie texted that Dylan has a fever so although we had already creatively planned where our kids would be, we had to be even more creative so I could go to my meering and Steven could play volleyball. Dylan had a fever and stayed home from school Tuesday and Wednesday already and felt better this morning so he went to school. I picked him up. He felt ok but coughed lots and had a low geade fever. I got him cough syrup and Isaac vitamins from CVS.  Barbie got Julia and Tyler from Doe. Don had played with Tyler for lunch. Barbie is a life  saver. They all are really. 

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