Friday, November 4, 2016

My Prayers Work

Today has been a busy day. Julia got to go to Disney World for her first time! My friend Shalynna Crandall took her with her 3 year old daughter Juliet. I loved the adorable photos!

I had the morning off since I didn't have Julia so I went grocery shopping, cleaned some, started crafting some since I'm helping with Carly Burke (from work)'s baby boy shower, and sat down with Dr. Brayer's photos. I was tired, but was happy to have time to be busy. I picked up one of Shalynna's boys then we went to Target to get more baby shower stuff then to the two car lines then to my friend's house Nicole Smith where the kids played on her long driveway and non-busy street.

They were so cute in the car saying they only had 9 fingers because they started with zero or doing finger tricks and I thought them the 11 fingers by counting "1-8, 2-8, 3-8..." Such happy silly boys.
We came home to apples and hot dogs and cleaning the pool and s'mores in the fire pit before a bit of Skylanders on the Wii and Don't Eat Pete before Julia came back. 
Last night I listened to a couple of sessions on 1.5x speed while highlighting my hair and a lot of the talks were on being a good neighbor and being a good parent. Or those are the things I learned.

I keep having potential plans on what I should do for the day then changes happen, like I have to take a kid to the doctor instead of edit photos and go to the beach or I need to clean the house instead of work out. I'm trying to mentally be okay with not being in control. My mom told me before when I was overwhelmed at BYU to take a break and finish a right-brained project. It's such good advice. That's why I highlighted my hair and accepted the request to spend a million hours on helping with the baby shower. (It's noly a couple of hours, but I don't have any to spare so it's basically a million.) My thoughts are sorta in the right direction, but aren't focused. I'm in survival mode and be happy and healthy mode. Just trying to do those 3 things: survive with a smile without getting a full blown cold.

Yesterday afternoon I didn't know where my retainers were. I remember packaging them into my case and intending on taking them to work to put in after my pear on the go. I thought about saying a prayer to find them but didn't have the time to devote to looking and the mental time it takes to meditate/think. So I didn't worry about it. Today I thought that maybe I had thrown them out with my lunch box (I take a plastic grocery bag with granola bars to work.) That made me not want to think about it. I had that thought a couple of times today but didn't allow myself to ponder about it at all b/c I didn't really want to. Then, a little while ago, I thought a little more and realized that I had cleaned the whole kitchen and dining room and living room except for the Halloween pile against the wall and had indeed thrown out that lunch bag of granola bar wrappers and my Pita Pit trash. (That was a delicious lunch!) The garbage men came today. That made me uneasy. I was tired and planning on drying my hair then getting my PJs on over my garments but figured it was time to find out if my retainers were gone for good or if I could wear them tonight since I had already skipped a night. This meant that I needed to actually kneel down to pray. So I did. And I thought about it as I was praying. I listened. I remembered that on the way to work at some point, I had heard something fall on the other side of the middle table thingy. I looked over and didn't see anything nor did I notice anything missing from my messy pile/lunch/breakfast/hair brush so I didn't investigate further. I hadn't remembered about that until the prayer! I thought more and listened more. I thought that certainly made sense. I didn't know if I should dry my hair then get dressed then go look or if I should go get dressed and look then. I was obedient and listened the first time. (Kids/posterity, are you listening/reading?!) I got dressed even though my hair was drying and wouldn't blow dry as nicely if it started to set all frizzy/wavy, got my phone for the flash light, then went on my hunt. I leaned over and pulled out a baby sling from its home and heard what pretty much sounded like the the retainer case. I was confident that Heavenly Father had once again answered my prayer. Awesome.

Why is it that I am slow to say the prayer in the first place? I'm lazy? I don't want to offend Heavenly Father when I'm not willing to put in the effort right then? I snap chatted the story real quick then figured I should blog it. So my hair is still even dryer and will be even harder to be beautifully blow dried, but possibly the most concrete part of my testimony is that Heavenly Father answers my lost and found prayers.

And therefore I know He lives. And he loves me. And he hasn't given up on me. And I need to share that with my kids and friends here on my blog/journal.

P.S. I use Snapchat and save the posts b/c I dislike that it's off into thin air and who knows if anybody sees it or cares or skips over it (Ok, I CAN see that). What a dumb concept? Such a now society thing. It's keeping people/things on the top of mind which is a marketing gimmick, but it's not good for posterity. I need to journal. I really need to put those things on the blog! It's dumb b/c I don't get instant feedback from my blog so I don't share it, but b/c I don't share it, I don't get accountability to want to post in it. But I don't want it either. So dumb.

Shalynna keeps journals and writes at least weekly in hers and rotates writing in her kids' and that's awesome. I want her good qualities (and she has an endless supply) to rub off on me! I have so many friends like that. I also learned lately that happiness comes partly from wholesome family and friend relationships. So that's the neighbor part of the conference talks. I did read to my kids today about the 2,000 young boys who were true in everything.

I'm going to go dry my hair now and will pop in a zinc :)

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