In October, I feel super thankful. I'm in the mood to write thank you notes and send thank you amazon gift cards. I want to buy little things for people and fill cute cup measurers with candy to take to neighbors with some sort of note about borrowing a cup of sugar and how I appreciate them. I know November is the designated thankful month, but I feel it early. I don't always do the things since I don't have money to blow, but I want to!
I asked a question once about if anybody else ever feels like doign something nice for somebody because you appreciate them letting you do something nice for them? It doesn't make sense if you logically think that through, but I feel it often! And you know what? Maybe it's because of my parents. They are amazing. I have 3 and they have each taught me things with their various teaching methods. Yesterday, my local parents watched Julia and Tyler for 2 nights and a day while the rest of us Fegers went to help pick up sticks in Tallahassee from the Hurricaine Michael mess. When I was walking out their door with the last asleep kid, Don handed me a loaf of home made bread! They had already had some of it, but he gave me the rest as a thank you for him already serving me! See?! That doesn't make sense - I should have been the one to have made him dinner or something for watching my kids and feeding them and bathing them and combing through their tangled curly heads, but he didn't let me leave empty-handed. It's just in him to be selfless and if he has something he can give, he does so.
Last weekend was like my utopia. On Friday I helped Steven with the lawn and it looks so good. He edged and I weeded and it really looks like we could have people over for pook party it's so good! Julia had her last soccer practice (there're no games at her level) and she invited my parents who went. Her cousin Clara was there and the two are so cute! I love that they're cousins and they're in sports together. They did ballet together a year ago too like Kat and I did with our cousins. We did family photos with Alicia Johnson at the University of Tampa then went to dinner at California Pizza Kitchen. We took the little 2 kids to my parents then drove to sleep in a high school parking lot so we could get to work with Don's chain saws at 7:30. (I wish we had set up the tent or not left until the morning but I found a way to lay flat in the back.) Working with my family and seeing how good of workers they were and even that they knew when to take a break and get water and how they played with friends was so satisfying. My kids were running, lifting heavyl logs, and were so wonderful. We made an impromptu stop at Manatee Springs to jump in the cool clear water and I went in up to my head which I usually wouldn't do since I'm not fond of cold water. We listened to Rich Dad Poor Dad together in the car so the drive didn't seem long either way. I wasn't worried about my little kids since they feel right athome with my parents.
The Crews are over now so my kids are all in the tree out front or under it playing capture the flag and I'm happy.
Tuesday, October 16, 2018
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1 comment:
Hi Tiffany!
I haven't checked blogs for awhile but I enjoyed reading about your good weekend. You're a good example to me!
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