Sunday, June 28, 2009

I.Z. & No-E.

Sometimes I call Isaac, "I.Z. (all blended into one word)." I don't want anybody else calling him that, but it just comes out. I still say something like "Schmoo" or "Shmay" when I'm saying "It's okay, Shmay (make it two syllables: Shm-Aye)." Wierd I know. I catch myself saying it when Dylan tries to copy. Does anybody else ever say funny terms of endearment like that? I used to say "Little Dylan Head," but that's long gone. "Pookie" or "Pookie-pie" came out of my mouth for Dylan too. For Noah, I call him "No-Ee." I've since heard Corrie say it, so maybe there are just natural things that come out with certain names. I'm so glad we didn't go with "Donovan" for Dylan. It's a fine name, but I wouldn't like the nick names that are natural with that, and I wouldn't be able to tell people to stop saying it like Steven assumed we should do. I'm sure I would have come up with something silly on my own, much less strangers. It's 3 syllables - bound to be shortened or lengthened.

So here are my little I.Z. and No-E. They're so cute. They usually play so well together, but I have to warn poor Noah with this shirt.
Look at Noah's right leg- a smile made by Isaac's 6 front teeth.
I hadn't even noticed it 'til they were eating their fruit salad. Maybe Noah is getting tougher, poor baby.
Isaac is in the shoes and hats phase now. I thought they looked so playful and funny with their long locks sticking out over their ears from under the hats, so I backed them up against a wall for a picture before their inevitable haircuts.
Isaac is so animated when he signs "cold." I'm sure I'm the one who showed him, so it's a funny mini-mirror image of myself I guess. Then he thought the knob on the air vent looked like a flower, so I attempted to ask him to sign/say a couple of other words. I should do it with a list in front of me b/c I was drawing a blank. He's quite the talker these days, and if I would just show him more signs, he would have that language mastered by now. I wish I were rich, I'd hire a private tutor for my kids.


Lacey McKay said...

Shmoo and Shmay? Where did those come from? Are they nicknames for Isaac?

It's funny how nicknames come about. We often refer to Madison as "Pudge". Kind of mean of us I guess, but it really is a term of endearment because we LOVE her pudge rolls!

I would love to meet Isaac in person. He looks like such a sweet little boy, but with the whole biting thing, it sounds like he might be a little bit ornery? I'm trying to figure out his personality. I need to go back and find one of those posts where you made a list of all of the things he is doing.

The Stevens said...

What cute pictures and the video is cute too. Isaac is getting so big. I love his face when he says "cold". You are so good at documenting everything your kids do. I love it! That baby kicks video below is so cute too.