Sunday, February 22, 2009

baby kisses

Baby Kisses are the sweetest thing. Isaac just gave me and Steven baby kisses yesterday morning. Then he did it a couple of times throughout the day. He even kissed my mom, Don, and Jonathan when we left their house last night! He knows what kisses are!

They're the wet open-mouth, lean in, and land somewhere on my face kind. He went back from nursing to kissing to nursing to kissing while we were snuggling yesterday afternoon. I was just loving it. He was happy because he knew he was making me happy. I was saying "thank you for the kisses" and was laughing.

TMI warning: (Weaning is not going well, I'm trying the "don't offer, don't refuse" method, but he's old enough to pull down my shirt in the middle of church! This has GOT to end! I thought I'd go 6 months, that was my goal. Then I was scared that it wouldn't last because of my long vacation to the Keys at 4 months and was determined to continue. Then he used ME as his security blanket/thumb/pacifier and I didn't need a goal any more. HIS goal was to continue 'til high school. I knew I'd quit at 1yr, but definitely before he would be old enough to tug at my shirt. Oops! I think that's gotta seem gross to other people b/c it sure used to seem gross to me. Plus, he probably looks like he's 2 b/c he's walking, running, and being the cute little trouble maker that he is. So I'm going to work on it. --BUT, he's such a soft smushy cuddler when he wants me, and I don't want to let my baby go and grow up, so it's just as hard for me to refuse. I like playing with his wispy little hairs or his round feet and cankles when he's on the boppy in our rocking chair. His hairs move wherever I blow them. He likes to feel silky blankets, like Dylan likes, and has even pulled my shirt out of the laundry, put it down on the floor, then put his head down on it. Dylan's still a little cuddler, but Isaac is so wiggly that my only time to hold him is at this time. AND, he's finally taking two naps and is sleeping through the night. A milestone that should have been met ages ago. I'm a little nervous about changing up his routine. His pediatrician told me to stop nursing AND stop bottles. I'm thinking - one at a time, lady, you don't know him like I do. I did get some more sippy cups and have tried the milk in those. He just doesn't settle down with a sippy cup like he does for me or a bottle. The point of all this is: that Isaac is high maintenance. Aren't boys supposed to be easy?)


betsey said...


I'm so scared for Nora's fifteen month wellness appointment, because I know the pediatrician is going to tell me to make her stop taking a bottle of milk. She has no interest in milk from a sippy cup. I know that I should make her use one, but it is so hard! She can drink a sippy cup of water and juice, but hasn't been interested in milk, IT IS HARD!

I say just work on it a little at a time. Cut it down to just night and morning. But also enjoy it, cause you are is so nice to have that quiet special time.

Marcie said...

You know what I say? Stop worrying. Seriously. My boys are STILL bottle babies and I'm just not worrying about it. I'll have them off at 2. No one goes to college on a bottle or nursing... if it works for him and for you then don't worry. It will work itself out. (From my expert opinion lol). He is still a precious baby... no worries.

by: Brian and Lacey McKay said...

I totally agree with what Marcie said. He will not nurse forever. It sounds to me like neither of you are ready to quit yet. Who gives a crap what anyone else thinks? I promise you are thinking about it way more than they are anyway. And if they do care, or get grossed out, then they can just get over themselves! That is what boobies are for! Just ask Abbey! You might regret stopping before you're ready to, but you will never regret nursing too long. Also, any medical professional should know that the surgeon general recommends to nurse babies until they are two years old!

Tiffany Feger said...

Thank girls. Isaac's on my lap right now. I guess it wasn't tmi for you guys. I'll let u know how it goes.

Kat Gille said...

I like Lacey's comments. Who gives a crap what anyone else thinks? :) And it seems like the average age to stop nursing has gone down a LOT since we were kids, so it's more of a trend thing. Maybe in a few more years it will be popular to nurse until they're 18 months again. In the meantime, maybe just try to wear shirts that aren't stretchy enough for him to pull down? :P