Saturday, November 8, 2008

Baby of Mine

Dear Isaac,

Now you've been outside of my tummy for as long as you were inside of it. You're 9 months old. You change so much in 9 months.

You can copy sounds and gestures. You recognize your name. You know you're not supposed to go up the stairs yet make a bee line for the top when the gate is down. You laugh, squirm, and move even faster when I say I'm going to getcha. You push up to a standing position at every chance you get. You can walk around things like the coffee table or holding onto my fingers or a push toy. You like to dance and clap. You shake and nod your head when we do. You love to play with toys and to entertain yourself all day. You can even push buttons on toys so they sing to you. You can eat lots of new things now but go crazy for water when you see me or Daddy drinking it. You can chew lots of foods and suprise me with what you can eat. Today you ate fresh pineapple and it was still pretty big chunks. If you can't chew something, you savor it in your mouth. You seem to know not to try to swallow something that could gag you. Good job! You're a picky eater and the food you dispise is squash. Fresh fruits are your favorites.

You are still my sweet little baby and some things are still the same. You love it outside. You still love your swing. We took it over to Corrie's house when we lived at Maria's house because we didn't have room for it. I didn't have the heart to take it back because that's the only place you sleep over at her house. I finally decided to bring it home with me. You're in it right now. You love to nurse and get jealous when I go have fun and leave you behind. You are so kissable all over and even Dylan likes to give you little squeezes and hugs. Your hair is feathery soft. It's a really light brown that has some blonde in it. The above picture is of tou at 8 months then the below one is from a couple of days ago (9 months). He has his Frankenstein "Frankly, I'm Cute" onesie on for the month of October.

Your measurements:
weight: 21lbs, 5oz between percentile 50 and 75
height: 29-3/4" between percentile 75 and 90
head circumfrence:17-7/8" between percentile 25 and 50
(I forgot to ask what percentiles, so I looked it up on

I love you little baby of mine!


betsey said...

He is so squishy and sweet! I love that smile and want to kiss that cute little neck. What a sweet little boy(s) you have Tiffany!

Holly said...

I love the pic of him in the swing! Funny and precious at the same time. Do you use this blog as a type of journal? Nice work.

Tiffany Feger said...

Yes, it's one way to journal. I also keep journals for them and for myself.

Lindsay said...

He looks sooo long! He is such a fun baby! COngrats to you and Steven for making cute babies!! :) hehe

Amber Ayres said...

soooo sweet