Monday, August 25, 2008

Getting Ready, and 1ST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!

Dylan helped get ready for his first day of school.

He has to keep a clear shoe box sized container with his name on it in his cubby. It's like his first locker - so cute! He painted the lid all by himself. He was really careful with it, then finished painting the paper plate that was our pallet. I'll take a picture of the finished product at school, I forgot today.

Then he picked out a pair of undies, consignment store shoes, socks, and an extra outfit to put in the box. We also picked out his clothes that he would wear because he always wants this Rays baseball outfit from Bonnie. We got all excited about his 1st day of school. We talked about getting to see Mrs. Debbie, Malia and new friends, and going on the playground and playing with trucks and reading books.

He woke up so happy and ready for school! That made it so much easier on me too.

We got up earlier than I ever get up. If I were a well-rounded mom, I'd make Dylan's favorite breakfast, but he had a breakfast bar, as you can kinda see from the pictures. Dylan and Malia were funny about seeing each other on their special day. They wouldn't hold hands. "Summer Vacation was too hot, too hectic, and too short!"They remembered which way to go, but it was so funny because they both walked into the first classroom and didn't want to leave when we tried telling them that it wasn't their class yet. They found their yellow door.Look, their names are glue and a note pad. I was so happy to see their names on the door, don't ask me why. There are only 10 kids max at a time in the room. There are a lot of names because the kids go part time.This is Mrs. Debbie, holding Isaac. See Malia in the long mirror? Malia was right at home in the kitchen area w/ her mom and baby brother.

We stayed and played because I didn't want to leave. Dylan liked the monster trucks and was so happy to see the reading area. We had talked about his staying with Malia and not with me, so he was fine with it.

The babies both fell asleep about a half hour before it was time to leave. It was an interruption to go pick up the school kids, but that's A-OK. Noah and Isaac were so good and continued to sleep the whole way there. Isaac slept through the pick up too and didn't wake up until everybody was loaded up again. I was busy with Noah and Isaac, so I didn't call to check up on the kids until I was already on my way back. I got a big smile and was rushing to get to them. They were eating lunch and hadn't cried at all, according to the director.

Dylan and Malia were going potty when we strolled in. It was so cute watching Dylan trying to do the top button on his shorts by himself before he saw me. He was so excited to see me and gave me a big hug. Malia saw me next and I picked them both up for a group hug. They they were happy to see Noah next. I told them we should go back to the class and they wanted to go bye bye instead. That was so cute. I wanted to talk to their teacher to see how the did though. She said they didn't have any accidents and were good and happy. She said that Malia wanted to take her shoes off a couple of times on the playground so we should tell her that they need to stay on at school. That's a good first day if you ask me!
We made it!!
They took their shoes off before I even unloaded the babies
They'll do another half day this week then maybe we'll do 2 full days the next week. We'll see.


The Stevens said...

Dylan looks so grown up. How cute. I am glad he had fun at school!

by: Brian and Lacey McKay said...

So cute! He looks like such a big boy with his back pack on!

I think I'll wait another year before sending Abbey anywhere. I'd miss her too much! :)

tarable said...

Great photos! Thanks for the link too. And I love that baby sling in the last post. Did you say you made one? I have thought about using one but don't even know where to start. I just want to carry a baby on my hip easier.

The Cardines said...

Hey Tiffany,

I just realized that you left a comment asking the question where were we when we took pictures of Cailin in the dinosaur mouth. It's Dinosaur World over in Tampa.

The Cardines said...

btw, I love the spaghetti photo shoot idea! It's got me thinking of a way I can do something similar.